
DSC07815 - Piano

Playing the piano allows for a wide array of enjoyment plus opens the door for a much wider musical world. Understanding the keyboard is like knowing the musical alphabet which can be easily transferred to other pursuits in music. IMG_7863 - Piano 2I love the piano, have played since 2001, and am excited about spreading the enjoyment with other people. Besides, playing an instrument is great for the brain because it uses more connections in the brain than any other activity!


What: The piano lessons are designed to assist the student reach his/her full musical potential. The lessons are customized to maximize the student’s benefit. There are various assignments and goals including some or all of the following: triumphing over pieces, mastering techniques, sharpening sight-reading, discovering music composing skills, understanding hymnplaying, and honing music enjoyment.

Where: The lessons take place on a beautiful baby grand piano nestled in the quiet small town of Milltown, WI.

Why: Music surrounds us, and people often feel a natural desire to comprehend, participate in, and create music. Piano lessons are a great way to generate a solution to all three of the desires. Also, knowing how to play the piano makes other musical pursuits much easier.

Who: kNOW Music Studio offers piano lessons to people ranging from seven or eight years old through senior citizens. Music making is not to be enjoyed only by the youth; it can be relished by young and old alike. For children younger than seven, there are still great ways to appreciate music and to develop musical aptitude. One way is to participate in an Early Childhood Music Class with a group of other young children.

When: The lessons are scheduled for a weekly time that works with both the student and the teacher. For people unable to have a weekly lesson, there are other options as well.