Practice, Practice, Practice

After an exciting summer of fun activities, times of rest, family trips, etc., it can be quite an adjustment to go back to school with full schedules, juggling school, church, sports, after school activities, and many other responsibilities.  With this crowded...

End of Summer Music Activities

Wow, it has been quite the whirlwind of a summer. I know you’re probably thinking the same thing I am, “Can’t summer go a little longer?”  Oh, well, we can’t change the past, but before the next school year begins, it can be fun to take a look back at what has been...

Summer Music Making

Although I took the summer off from weekly teaching music, I did not take the summer off from music. During the summer, I was actively involved with music in a number of ways such as accompanying, singing in choir, singing in a men’s group, playing in orchestra, and playing organ.